Farrell C. Shiver is a retired
Special Agent of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command
(USACIDC), which is better known as the CID. The CID has the responsibility for the investigation
of felony crimes affecting the U.S. Army. It has the authority to investigate
crimes affecting the Army anytime and anyplace in the world.
During Mr. Shiver's tenure with
USACIDC, he investigated a wide variety of felony crimes in the
United States and Europe. He also held supervisory
positions as the Team Chief of various investigative teams.
In 1988, Mr. Shiver was selected
for laboratory training as a forensic document examiner at the
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory (USACIL),
a subordinate command of USACIDC. Mr. Shiver worked as a
forensic document examiner at USACIL until his retirement from
the U.S. Army.
Following retirement from the
Army, Mr. Shiver continued his work as a forensic document
examiner in private practice.